Often times when we decide to take a trip via bus, train or plane we never really consider the consequences. We pack our bags and we assume that all will go smoothly. The thing is that when we say our goodbyes to our love ones that day before our trip, it could actually be our last goodbye. Since 9/11 travelling has become even more scary for many. You can never know what the journey will bring.

When I flew out last night on my 7 hour trip it really made me think about life. You see when you are 39,000 feet in the air, you have alot of time to think about life. The reality is, your life is now in God's hands. The truth of the matter is that at all times this is the case. Each day that we awake that is the reality.

The point though is that everytime time that we leave our loved one, we should always consider that it could be the last day we might see them. When we travel, we should not only pack our earthly things, but we should carry God with us always. We should endeavor to tell those we care about our true feelings. As James 4:13-14 reminds us that our life is just a mist, here now and then gone.

Over time I have developed the habit of telling my parents how much I love them and how much they mean to me. We often think that we will outlive our parents, but no one knows tomorrow. That is the same principle I have applied for my wife and all those I love dearly.

Even though I enjoy travelling, the more I do it is the more I realize how trivial I take life. I've now learned that daily I must put plans in place for all my journeys, so that if it is my last I would have been prepared for any outcome. Life is so short, we never truly accept that....