The last 18 months have been a real challenge for everyone in the world. Some have lost their jobs, homes and families, due to the economic fallout globally. It has hit the poorer countries harder than the first world and developed countries. It is very easy to lose hope in the face of a recession, as it seems that every turn you make there is a road block. At these times it is also easy to doubt God, and to even say there is no God. Why would God allow us to suffer under a Recession? This question would be in mind, when a person loses everything.

It is clear though that if people don't learn from this recession, then when will they learn. All the people with common sense have stated that the current recession has been caused by greed by a certain elite group, that even in the face of minor recovery continue to exploit the poor. It is also evident that even if the world recovers from this recession, one is sure to emerge again within the next 5-10 years. The parameters remain the same, the powers that be continue to strive for riches, by their greed.

Greed like so many other sins continue to rule mankind. Colossians 3:5, "Put to death therefore your members which are upon the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry;" Our evil desires and coveteousness are mentioned as idolatry. My belief is that these two more than anything else are the reason we are now faced with an unprecedented recession.

For Christians we must not fall into the trap of the world. We have seen where persons you invested heavily in investment clubs, like myself have been veiled by greed to make lots of money. If we don't learn from those mistakes, then like a mule falling into a ditch, so will we.

God has promised to save us from this evil world. 2 Peter 3:13, "But, according to his promise, we look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness."  The problems of this world will never end, and as we recover from this recession, mankind will continue to want to reap more and more at the expense of the poor and the weak.