Just when the US thought they were out of the woods, the forest just got some rain, and the path is looking really muddy. If we thought the recession was over, this is a real wake up call. With a jobless rate of 10.2%, the recession is still on. The last time the rate was at 10% was in 1983, you heard right, that was when I was in primary school. It is very interesting that all the banks that got bail out as well at the car companies are florishing, while those who were left to die are now buried. There has recently been an upsurge in shootings, we saw the Ft. Hood shooting and then today a shooting in Florida and one at another army base. It seems to me that people are losing it, the frustrations are reaching a new high. While it cannot be confirmed that these shootings were because of the recession, it seems highly likely that they could be motivated by a loss of hope.

The sad reality is that the recession is deepening now. In Canada it is biting and only getting worse. The Feds will have to make some tough decisions this week. We will have to wait and see. On another note, we see where the oil greedy countries continue to push up the price of oil, this week it reached a high of $80/barrel. As usual I am just sickened by this, when will it end.....