Throughout life we come across persons from varying walks of life that touch our hearts. At times it seems like an accident when people come into your life, but most times it seems as if God places each person in our life for a purpose. 

It is like when I met my wife. My life was going down the wrong path and she really helped me, by leading me to God. Not only that, she too was going through so much at that time. It seems as though God placed me there at the right time so we could rescue each other. The gift I got from her I could never repay, allowing me to submit my life to God, and to have peace for once in a somewhat tumulus life.

I also learned that our true friends emerge in times of trauma in our lives, such as during a serious illness or financial turmoil. Having been through a lot of turmoil in my life I can attest to that fact. My true friends emerged and the one's that were not true you can say rose to the top of the cream.

Jesus taught us that Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." [John 15:13] We have many friends throughout this life. Friends that encourage you when you are down, those that stimulate your mind, and those that have all the qualities that we love rolled into one. There are often friends that you just meet and the chemistry flows like a rapid river. These type of friends come once in a lifetime and make you realise that there is still good in this world.

Jesus Christ has been a type of friend that cannot be compared in human thought. He left his throne on high to make the greatest sacrifice for man. If we could only take some of the traits of Christ as a friend. He was humble, righteous, always told the truth without sugar coating, sacrificial, a servant  to all, always dealt the same with all, never gossiping, putting his Father first, prayerful. Jesus defines what a true friend should be at any level.

If we all learn to follow the traits of Jesus, then our friendships would always be better. In fact, if we were just to follow one of the greatest commandments of all time, which is " The second is this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these" [Mark 12:31], all would be perfect. Love transcends all evil conditions on mankind. We must kill our ego and live for God first, studying his word and learning how we should treat one another.

Too often we are selfish, only trying to please ourselves. This approach to life only leads to broken friendships and broken lives. If we cannot live in love, then God does not live in us. In fact if we say we have love for God and hate another than we are a lair, this is demonstrated in 1 John 4:20, " If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, cannot love God whom he hath not seen."

Let's be genuine friends to each other. Let's stop the lies and deceit and let the love of God flow through us today, God is watching us.....