Here's a freeze frame of the Henry handball.
Thierry Henry handles ball...

FIFA stated that the referee's decision is final and that the FIFA rules do not allow a replay. Henry is one of my favorite player, and it is sad that this has happened to him. The truth be told, soccer has never been a fair game for any team. Too often you see penalties being given when there is no infringement, or penalities been disallowed where there are clear fouls, and you can go on and on. The fact is that Henry is being singled out when so many other players have been guilty of offences, which officials fail to call. Take for instance a scenario where a defeender handles the ball in the penalty box and the referee doesn't see it, have we ever seen a case where that  defender admits to the referee that it should be a penalty, never. Henry has cheated in this latest incident, but is fully protected as the referee did not see it. I endorse what Arsene Wenger is saying, that it is about time that video replays are allowed where there are controversial situations. However, you run the risk of the game becoming a mockery, with lenghty stoppages. The officials are not perfect. This is  not a gentleman's game like cricket, which is fast becoming like any other game in terms of gamemanship.

The fact is, soccer is big business and big money. These teams and players want to win at any cost, as a lot rides on their qualification to the World Cup. It is indeed sad, but this is nothing new. FIFA I believe has made the right decision. If they were to replay every match where there was controversy, then it would never end. Henry, you have put yourself in a pi carious position...... You will have to live with the consequences...