Coach Henry being restrained by staff
after his player was attacked by a parent

If we thought the incident last week where Ashani Walker having suffered a serious head injury with no ambulance or doctor available to treat him was serious, then yesterday's action by a parent from Calabar on a Jamaica College (JC) player was just disgraceful. ISSA has again failed to protect the schoolboys in this year's competition. Apparently the parent, after seeing his son receive a strong tackle from the JC  player invaded the field and punched the boy in his face. After reading the details I was totally shocked and speechless.

It seems that these incidents always happen when JC is playing. It is also clear that ISSA is not accountable to anyone. After the incident they stated that they had enough security and that they could not man every area.  This excuse does not fly with me. First of all, apart from the security, the Constant Spring management is responsible for the compound, they should have ensured that the venue is properly fenced and that every precaution was taken. They have failed miserably, and this is the result. As coach Henry rightly stated, this young man could have been seriously injured even killed by this parent.

My own view is that the Jamaica Football Federation (JFF) should take over schoolboy football. Until this is done, there will continue to be problems in these competitions. Let us hope that the JC team will feel comfortable playing at Constant Spring in their next match..

The only good thing is that JC won the match 2-1..