Usain Bolt Man of the Year...

We saw him blaze the track in 2008 at the Olympic Games, racing to mind boggling times in the 100 and 200 meters. He then swept all the Athlete of the Year titles in the same year.

Then in 2009 we saw him astonishingly shatter those records in the 100 and 200 meters. Without doubt Usian Bolt must be regarded as one of the greatest athletes of this decade, and maybe in years to come he will be the greatest athlete of all times. Name any athlete in history that has broken records in two events back to back at major championships and you will find none. The Hon. Usain Bolt will for me be the greatest ever if he maintain his strong desire to win against all odds. He has won nearly all the accolades in athletics for 2009, and one waits with bated breath to see what he will do next year, even though there will be no significant championship, a part from the Commonwealth Games.

Usain for me is the Man of the Year, and I have no doubts that no one can dispute this reality. The future looks brings for Bolt if he continues to improve on some defects in his race. No doubt he will lower the record to at least 9.48 in 100M and possibly 18.98 in the 200M before his career ends. He is a standard bearer for Jamaica in the face of all the crime and violence that is plaguing the image of one of the greatest countries to ever exist. For such a small Island to produce athletes like Herb McKinley, Arthur Wint, Bert Cameron, Merlene Ottey, Raymond Stewart, Asafa Powell, Shelly-Ann Fraser, Veronica Campbell, Brigette Foster-Hylton, Melanie Walker and so many others who have distinguished themselves as some of the greatest athlete's, is a testimony of what hard work and perseverance.

Even if the Hon. Usain Bolt does not win anymore races, he will go down as the greatest ever in my eyes. Happy New Year Usain..........

Big up Jamaica

New Year..

Sweep the dust off your feet,
it's a new year,
trouble comes with doubt,
leave it all behind,
face the morning with a cheer,
embrace life,

You made it this far,
it's a new year,
God is in control,
he will steer your path,
it's time for change,

Why the tearful eyes?
it's a new year,
yesterday had it's chance,
today is your dream,

Think love in your heart,
it's a new year,
let anger and fear beware,
forgiveness is the force of peace,
God has written his commands on your heart,

When you look in the mirror,
you're a new man,
because it's a new year,
lose the old clothes of filth,
bathe in the hope of salvation,

It's a new year,
breathe in the moment.....


Quote of the day....

"Positive energy kills negative vibes."


Eyes shut with fear,
consumed by the past,
sleepless nights,
an echo of distress,
stirring the soul,
can't run away,
trapped by emotions,
will the clouds drift away,
is there a sun ray somewhere in the abyss,
sorrows bleeding through,
the morrow unsure,
doubts fill the heart,
where is the escape,
hands outstretched,
rescue on the way,
God smiling down,
what a relief,
grief swallowed in hope,
life is worth each breath,
no more dull words,
happiness in each verse,
things will be better,
blessings in pain,
today the journey continues...


Quote of the day...

"If you could bring a smile to someone's face today, wouldn't you treasure that more than diamonds."

Lessons from fellowshipping...

As the old adage goes' "you never know how good something is until you lose it."

I can recall my days in Jamaica and the fun times I used to have fellowshipping with the brotherhood. It seems that when you come to countries like Canada, that you often lose yourself in the culture. The fellowships you had seem far and few. The fellowships that held your faith together seem lost in the bustle of making a dollar. The bible teaches us in Hebrews 10:25, that we should not forsake the assembling  of the saiths, but should exhort one another. But I tell you the truth, in some parts of this country, there ain't no saints to partake in any assembling. So at times it gets hard when you consider that the gel that encouraged you through fellowship fades.

The messages keep going out in your mind, "why am I here?". Should I have considered the loss of fellowship before I took this journey. It gets even harder when some of those you fellowshipped with don't even bother to contact you or to follow up on your growth. You often wonder if their fellowship with you was real.

At times I have sat and listened to sermons about the topic and felt lifted, only to be brought down to earth by someone's lack of fellowship. I have come to realise that fellowship is more than just meeting. It encompasses everything we need to remain Christians. We are called into fellowship with Jesus as explained in 1 Corinthians 1:9, "God is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord." Brothers and sisters who understand the love of Jesus for us and the sacrifice that he paid for us, must also be willing to love one another the same way, having concern when one is sad or ill, and a willingness to be there when you are up or down. Willing to pray and share in God's word, to sing and shout God's glory together.

When you leave the safety of that, you lose your faith slowly. You become consumed by the temptations of this world. You are dragged and tossed by evil. Fellowship with God and the brotherhood is worth more than anything else in this life. Without it, you lose yourself and eventually return to your vomit of evil like a dog....

Man ignites explosive device on Northwest flight..

A Nigerian was able to take an explosive device on a Northwest airline flight and ignite it. He was quickly subdued by aircraft staff and passengers. He has been identified as Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. He is not linked to Al-Qaeda, but was on a suspicious person list with the FBI.

With the numerous security checks at airports these days, one wonders how this man was able to get this device on board the aircraft. This just goes to show that there are still deficiencies in the security protocol at airports. It is fortunate for the other passengers that he choose to ignite the device on landing in Detroit, Michigan, and even better that he burnt himself up in the process, suffering second and third degree burns.

President Obama said that security will be stepped up. One wonders how much more security can be reinforced. It is very sad for those of us who just want to travel without fear of crashing, now the terrorists have us all worried about their next move.....

Was Jesus really born on December 25th?

While many people celebrate the birth of Christ, the debate continues regarding the date of his birth. Christians know that the bible only supports the remembrance of Jesus's death, burial and resurrection. Which is why every first day of the week, Christians are commanded to celebrate the Lord's Supper, with the unleavened bread representing the symbolism of Jesus body which hung on the cross, and the fruit of the vine representing his blood which was shed. John 6:51, leaves us this message, "I am the living bread which came down out of heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: yea and the bread which I will give is my flesh, for the life of the world." 

The link below examines an article which methodically examines the possible birth date of Jesus. This has been a long standing debate among many. The article also examines the celebration of Christmas. Whatever your views may be, this article seeks to put aside emotions and rely on historical information.

Please see this link:

Quote of the day...

"The perfect gift that man could ever have is the love of God."

Remember me...

Remember me,
when you say those words,
don't forget the days of old,
reflect on the love that flowed,

Remember me,
when you tear my heart in two,
don't forget the pain of loneliness,
hurt lives in the shadows,

Remember me,
when you stare in the mirror,
consider my emotions,
feelings still dwell in sorrow,

Remember me,
when you discuss my ways,
they aren't perfect,
no one truly is,

Remember me,
when you view your life,
our paths have built us up positively,

Remember me,
I am still the same person,
life has not changed me,
my soul still aches for kindness,

Remember me,
when you turn your back on forgiveness,
there is still hope in this world,
people can conquer bad habits,

Remember me,
as I once was,
things can get better,
love can break sadness...


Jamaica's tax system in turmoil......

Following the recent supplementary budget by Audley Shaw it seems that the tax system in Jamaica is going through serious turmoil. Even with the prime minister, Bruce Golding announcing a roll back of taxes on some items. The rates announced by Golding and Shaw seem onerous. The proposed 27.5% increase for taxpayers earning $5M to $10M, and over $10M paying 32.5% seem quite rigid, even though this will end in March 2010. Golding says this is to cap the loss from the roll backs. It really seems that not much thought was put into the recent adjustments to the tax rates.

While I fully agree with increasing GCT to 17.5%, I still believe that the rate is too low. My proposal would be to increase GCT to 25% and to eliminate income for persons earning under $2M. The fact of the matter is that the compliance rate for income tax is currently 45%, which in essence means that the majority of the pressure falls on PAYE's. The self-empployed and Companies continue to evade taxes at an alarming rate.
The Government in their presentation has failed to highlight the nature of Jamaica's economic failures.

It should be noted that the past administration created a one trillion dollar debt problem, which has led to the current problems faced by Jamaica. It does not take an economist to understand that if your debts outweigh your income then you are in a serious problem. Consider this, if you are earning a $1000 a month and your expenses are $2000, then you are in a deficit of $1000. Where does this lead you? You are forced to borrow from some where. But where do you borrow? You may choose to go to the bank, or to some overseas lending institution. This is Jamaica's problem at the moment. They have issued several financial instruments locally to raise capital, but still do not have enough money to pay their bills. They then go to the international lending agencies, but guess what, Jamaica has a poor credit rating, which means that even if they can get a loan, the rates to borrow become higher. So what? In comes the International Monetary Fund (IMF), you know, the agency that everyone says has wrecked Jamaica. However, when the IMF comes in, they literally take over the reins of Government, dictating what policies must be introduced in order for you to get money from them. In the end we are faced with the current situation.

The IMF requires Jamaica to take drastic decisions. They have realized that Jamaica's tax system has been run like a "patty shop", which is not sustainable. However, the opposition party continues to live in a dream, thinking that Jamaica can borrow its way out of debt forever. The one trillion that we owe will haunt our unborn children's children and on and on.

The major problem with the Jamaica's tax system is the enforcement side of things. If we analyse the infamous IRS tax system, we see that when you evade taxes you go to prison. In Jamaica when you evade taxes you get a slap on the wrist. My belief is that the minute you make tax evasion a criminal offence, with at least 5-10 years in prison, we will see a change in our compliance level. The Tax Department is not to blame, or the many consultants who have made recommendations, it is the past and present Government that must bear the blunt. It is  those who continue to protect the many tax evaders, who may be friends or family. The public has remained silent on the matter, thinking that by evading taxes they will prosper.

It is common for people to complain that in "Jamaica when you pay taxes you don't see where it goes, but in the US or Canada you can see their tax dollars being spent" is flawed and trapped in another time. The truth is that US and Canada enforce the brunt of the law on tax evaders. In Jamaica when you collect taxes they are used to pay the massive debts, and after that, they have to borrow more money to pay for the internal bills, such salaries, roads, health and on and on. So why are we surprised by this? The reason is that we continue to live in a dream world where we compare ourselves to others instead on owning up to our responsibilities.

To fix Jamaica's tax system strong decisions must be taken now. Not just increasing taxes alone, but making tax evasion a criminal offence which is punishable by prison terms. The Tax Department I am sure is aware of all the tax evaders, but their hands are tied if they can't enforce the full brunt of the law. The Government and the opposition must sit down and put in the necessary legislation to make tax evasion a criminal offence. However it must be a fair system that targets the poor and the rich. The IRS made an example out of Al Capone as one of their famous tax cases. Al Capone went to jail for tax evasion. Martha Stewart went to jail also, and many other famous persons. 

What is Jamaica waiting on? Act now....

Quote of the day...

"Let's remember to love each other every day, because love doesn't choose when to be adored."

Quote of the day...

"If we work hard daily, then our rewards are paid forward."

Bernanke edges Usain Bolt for Time's Person of the Year..

In a closely contested battle for Time's Person of the Year, Ben Bernanke emerged ahead of  flashier names, like Usain Bolt, Nancy Pelosi, Steve Jobs and Gen. Stanley McChrystal. The choice was announced on Today by Time managing editor Richard Stengal, who also introduced the cover that Bernanke will grace this week.

It is the first time that a Jamaican was nominated to be Person of the Year by Time. It only goes to show how popular Usain has become globally. He is truly and ambassador for Jamaica, and deserves the title of the Hon. Usain Bolt. 

Our congratualtions must go out to him on a great accomplishment. Jamaica is truly a blessed nation...

When all is said and done...

When sorrow comes and sadness forms,
when all is said and done God will be there,
no matter the stormy weather,
or the blazing rays of bitterness,
he will never leave us,
his love is without condition,
his love endures our sins,

Even when hope seems trapped in emotion,
when all is said and done God sees our heart,
he knows our troubles before they start,
his Spirit hears the cries of help,
when all is said and done he heals our wounds,
no matter how we think life is over,
his arms outstretched help us to overcome,
the burdens that we carry will make us stronger,

When some friends depart,
when all is said and done God provides more,
he never leaves us to bear the turmoils alone,
he sends love to our doorstep,
with words of joy to lift our soul,
when all is said and done his Word never lies,

So when it seems like our days are done,
when all is said and done God holds the key to all things,
we never have to despair when he is in control,
when all is said and done our fears are not from him,
our problems start when we surrender to the dark one,
but with God carrying us,
we can overcome,
and be happy again......


Things we should know about the sweeteners we use.....alarming


The sweet lowdown
Even the best artificial sweeteners may come with a health-related caveat. A breakdown of some of the best-known sugar alternatives:
What is it? A low-calorie artificial sweetener that has been approved for use in Canada since 1981. It is added to many products, including diet pop, yogurt, cereal and chewing gum.
Status: Sold under the brand names Equal and NutraSweet and is added to food and beverages by manufacturers.
What's the catch? Numerous studies have suggested aspartame may be linked to the development of a variety of cancers. In 2005, a European study found rats fed aspartame at comparable levels per body weight to humans had a higher risk of developing brain tumours, lymphoma and leukemia.
What is it? An artificial sweetener that's added to packaged foods and sold in packets or granulated form.
Status: Marketed under the name Splenda for use in baking.
What's the catch? Some studies have suggested sucralose may promote weight gain and have a harmful effect on beneficial gut bacteria.
What is it? One of the oldest artificial sweeteners, discovered in the 1870s and used in products such as chewing gum, pop and breath mints.
Status: Banned for use as a food additive in Canada since the 1970s.
What's the catch? Saccharin was banned after studies linked the sweetener to cancer in rats. However, it can be sold to consumers as a sweetener, but only at pharmacies.
What is it? An artificial sweetener that can often come in forms known as sodium cyclamate and calcium cyclamate.
Status: Banned for use as a food additive in Canada. But can be sold directly to consumers with a warning label (usually placed near the ingredient list) that it should only be used on advice of a physician. Sweet ‘N Low is one artificial sweetener in Canada that contains cyclamate.
What's the catch? Cyclamate was banned as a food additive after numerous studies linked it to cancer in animals, as well as possible male reproductive problems.

Retail sales hit record 1.3% in the US.....

Retail sales were up by 1.3% in November, double the amount expected by analysts. This may indicate that things are getting better but it is too early. The fact is that unemployment rates are still on the rise. The increase in retail sales may ultimately be due to the fact that the Christmas season is fast approaching, thus the increase in shopping. Time will tell how the market behaves come 2010....

Quote of the day....

"Accept the blows that you receive in life, the lessons you will learn will make you stronger in the future."

Tiger Woods takes indefinite break from golf...

After much media hype and condemnation, Tiger Woods has decided to take an indefinite break from golf. Woods has admitted to having affairs with at least seven women, ranging from a six to two year period in each relationship. Everyone was shocked by the admittance, as many believed Woods was squeaky clean.

Again mankind tries to put fellowmen in such high esteem, thinking that men will not fall. Woods behavior is quite shocking, but it shows that people commit sins daily. In this case, because Woods is a celebrity and in the spotlight he is highlighted. But there are many persons who daily do things that are sinful, but are not given this attention. The lesson here is that a man who is held in high esteem is supposed to be an example for those looking on, but in fact, people must understand that everyone falls short at some point, and should be forgiven.

For those who are calling for Woods to be banned from golf, you better "take the plank out of your eyes before you try and take it out of someone else's eyes". I believe Woods has taken the right step to try and save his marriage, and all should learn from what he is doing. He may not save his marriage in the end, but at least he has  asked for forgiven and is willing to make amends.

Could it be....

Mind bursting with fear,
courage shattered by the scars of life,
will things ever change,
will empty words ever cease,
could be a dream,
or is the pain too much to bear,

Sleep for the sleepless,
or nightmares for the restless,
could it be that reality is no more,
and sorrow masquerades in the rain drops,
why does goodness seem wrong,
has God forgotten the prayers of the righteous,

Eyes staring above,
waiting for the answer,
head buried in his Word,
could it be that faith is fleeting,
and the dark one walks in the moonlight,

When did all this appear,
where were the warnings,
the letters of each line replayed like a headline,
could it be love is no more,
and crushing one's heart has become an art,

Heart swelling with burdens,
body aching with unknown sicknesses,
could it be that depression is seeking to emerge,
or have the past lessons strengthened the soul,
each day,
each week,
the birth of forgiveness peeks through the pane of grief,
not harboring the darkness of past deeds,
God is watching,
will the conscience be seared,
or is man just a slave to desire of self.....

roken, life seems like a chore."

Olint bank accounts frozen for 21 days in Jamaica....

Olint Corporation has had its bank accounts frozen in Jamaica for a period of 21 days. It is alleged that US$49M has been transferred from the accounts. This amount is just crazy, and his clients have not been paid. We can recall that David was saying that there was no money in the accounts, surprise, surprise...

All those who continue to back this man, will be heading for a real shock when all is revealed. But even in the face of what is already revealed, people continue to put their faith in David instead of the evidence.

The Grand Jury in the United States against and its principals started today. It seems that the US is serious about protecting their citizens, but the Caribbean is still hoping without hope that their money will magically appear in their account. Time is the master...we will see who is right...

Quote of the day....

"What you pour into your mind is what is stored."

Consider love....

Consider love,
when you rest tonight,
let it lead your heart,
forget  the fears,
block out the tears,
you will realise that peace awaits,

Consider love,
each time you utter sadness,
there are feelings to be hurt,
someone aches in your happiness,

Consider love,
when the truth is needed,
eliminate the fibs,
think "us" not me,

Consider love,
when the pain is unbearable,
think forgiveness not revenge,
act calmly,
even when the whip of grief bears upon your soul,
God will see you through,

Consider love,
when you are all alone,
you're not,
the love of God lives within you,
the Holy Spirit hears your groaning,
his Son intercedes for you,
consider love,
it heals all sorrows....


Lessons from pain....

Sometimes I like to walk, to ease the mind, to escape the world for a bit. The longer I walk the more the pains of life seem to disappear. Its as though your mind becomes easy, relaxed, free to consider happiness.

It is almost impossible in this life not to feel pain. We often let people into our space, bringing in pain with them. It seems really innocent at first, but the more they learn about us, the more the pain seems to increase. Its not just the pain of them hurting us, but its whether we will hurt them.

Most times we want to blame others for our sorrows. But as a famous Jamaican proverbs states, "it takes two hands to clap". It takes two people to create pain, no matter how we want to hide from it. Pain is never good. Although many may try to say there is good pain. That's just crazy. The effect of pain may bring about relief at some point, but the pain itself is never good.

So why do we want to cause pain? Why do we want to hurt each other? These are two questions that are hard to comprehend. Sometimes there is no intention to cause pain, but we are thrown into it. Often times we deliberately "ruffle feathers" to cause pain. We delight in seeing others hurt, considering only what we want.

It could never be desirable to want to live in pain. As we mature we learn that pain makes us bitter, even though it teaches us lessons. Jesus Christ had to suffer pain for us to have salvation. In the midst of his pain, he asked his Father to take away his pain [ "saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done." - Luke 22:42]. But in the end he faced his pain for the greater good of all. So that we who choose to follow him could have our sins forgiven and have the hope of eternity with him.

The example of Christ, teaches us that even in the face of our pain we should turn to God for help. He has a purpose for us all, he can bring peace to our hearts, and leave pain at the doorstep....

Pain withheld....

draining the heart of love,
a time bomb fully charged,
waiting to explode into sorrow,

it shatters common sense,
making thoughts bitter and gray,
the shouting,
the arguing,
tears appear often,
bleeding the soul of forgiveness,

who will stand strong?
which tower will emerge,
will egos embrace defeat,
or will ids separate,

the torment,
the emptiness,
the burning within,
can peace be born?
will eyes meet again,
or will sadness breed,
without God all is lost,
only remnants remain,
but pain remembers not love...


Quote of the day....

"If one could read the mind of pain, then help could be forthcoming."

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