As the old adage goes' "you never know how good something is until you lose it."

I can recall my days in Jamaica and the fun times I used to have fellowshipping with the brotherhood. It seems that when you come to countries like Canada, that you often lose yourself in the culture. The fellowships you had seem far and few. The fellowships that held your faith together seem lost in the bustle of making a dollar. The bible teaches us in Hebrews 10:25, that we should not forsake the assembling  of the saiths, but should exhort one another. But I tell you the truth, in some parts of this country, there ain't no saints to partake in any assembling. So at times it gets hard when you consider that the gel that encouraged you through fellowship fades.

The messages keep going out in your mind, "why am I here?". Should I have considered the loss of fellowship before I took this journey. It gets even harder when some of those you fellowshipped with don't even bother to contact you or to follow up on your growth. You often wonder if their fellowship with you was real.

At times I have sat and listened to sermons about the topic and felt lifted, only to be brought down to earth by someone's lack of fellowship. I have come to realise that fellowship is more than just meeting. It encompasses everything we need to remain Christians. We are called into fellowship with Jesus as explained in 1 Corinthians 1:9, "God is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord." Brothers and sisters who understand the love of Jesus for us and the sacrifice that he paid for us, must also be willing to love one another the same way, having concern when one is sad or ill, and a willingness to be there when you are up or down. Willing to pray and share in God's word, to sing and shout God's glory together.

When you leave the safety of that, you lose your faith slowly. You become consumed by the temptations of this world. You are dragged and tossed by evil. Fellowship with God and the brotherhood is worth more than anything else in this life. Without it, you lose yourself and eventually return to your vomit of evil like a dog....