A Nigerian was able to take an explosive device on a Northwest airline flight and ignite it. He was quickly subdued by aircraft staff and passengers. He has been identified as Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. He is not linked to Al-Qaeda, but was on a suspicious person list with the FBI.

With the numerous security checks at airports these days, one wonders how this man was able to get this device on board the aircraft. This just goes to show that there are still deficiencies in the security protocol at airports. It is fortunate for the other passengers that he choose to ignite the device on landing in Detroit, Michigan, and even better that he burnt himself up in the process, suffering second and third degree burns.

President Obama said that security will be stepped up. One wonders how much more security can be reinforced. It is very sad for those of us who just want to travel without fear of crashing, now the terrorists have us all worried about their next move.....