Sweep the dust off your feet,
it's a new year,
trouble comes with doubt,
leave it all behind,
face the morning with a cheer,
embrace life,

You made it this far,
it's a new year,
God is in control,
he will steer your path,
it's time for change,

Why the tearful eyes?
it's a new year,
yesterday had it's chance,
today is your dream,

Think love in your heart,
it's a new year,
let anger and fear beware,
forgiveness is the force of peace,
God has written his commands on your heart,

When you look in the mirror,
you're a new man,
because it's a new year,
lose the old clothes of filth,
bathe in the hope of salvation,

It's a new year,
breathe in the moment.....
