After much media hype and condemnation, Tiger Woods has decided to take an indefinite break from golf. Woods has admitted to having affairs with at least seven women, ranging from a six to two year period in each relationship. Everyone was shocked by the admittance, as many believed Woods was squeaky clean.

Again mankind tries to put fellowmen in such high esteem, thinking that men will not fall. Woods behavior is quite shocking, but it shows that people commit sins daily. In this case, because Woods is a celebrity and in the spotlight he is highlighted. But there are many persons who daily do things that are sinful, but are not given this attention. The lesson here is that a man who is held in high esteem is supposed to be an example for those looking on, but in fact, people must understand that everyone falls short at some point, and should be forgiven.

For those who are calling for Woods to be banned from golf, you better "take the plank out of your eyes before you try and take it out of someone else's eyes". I believe Woods has taken the right step to try and save his marriage, and all should learn from what he is doing. He may not save his marriage in the end, but at least he has  asked for forgiven and is willing to make amends.