I’m moving on today,
I’ve buried the past,
The tears have dried,
The fear is gone,

I’m moving on,
Forgiveness I declare,
God has spoken to my heart,
I will not fail,

I’m moving on,
Though betrayal and hurt was my doormat,
I’ve wiped my feet,
My shoes are off,
The dust have been removed,

I’m moving on,
Pursuing God’s path,
Surrendering my sins to him,
I know I am not perfect,
But he expects me to be,

I’m moving on,
Praying for those who have wronged me,
Hoping that they will see the error of their ways,
Hoping that God will grant them mercy
While there is still life,

I’m moving on,
My eyes are forward,
My nose is open
Inhaling the beauty of God,
There is no time for sorrow,
The world is at my feet,

I’m moving on,
Thanking God that I still have life,
Thanking Him for every blessing,
Lifting His name high above the heavens,
Glory be to God….
