Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1

If you ever heard the quote, "let go and let God", you would marvel at the fact that many Christians still have not grasped this simple concept. The next interesting quote I have heard in my lifetime is, "I will forgive but I won't forget". 

It is interesting in life how we fail to "let go and let God". Ultimately our emotions embrace us like a bear holding on to its cub. We are gripped by the fear that was implanted by the world. Its as if the world is always in our rear view, pulling us back into its bad habits and dreary ideals. But there is hope in Almighty God, if we are just willing to let go.

This week I was on the Jamaica Star website and observed something very shocking. The Gleaner Company seems to have a camera that allows them to see the East Street side of their building. On this video that day, I saw a man pressing the button to cross the road, then out of nowhere a Truck lost control and slammed into the man and the stop sign. It was a horrible sight. The first thing that crossed my mind was that could have been me. I once worked on East Street, I could have been waiting to cross the road. It made me realize even more that I have to let go and let God. Our life is not ours, we don't control the next breath that we take.

The truth be told, if we don't let go and let God, then what will happen when our life is taken. Even if our life is not taken this moment, what type of life would we be living if we just keep everything inside, not allowing God to direct our path, our life would be useless. The bible tells us in 2 Cor. 5:7, "we walk by faith and not by sight". The faith we have comes from God, not from any man that walks this earth, or anything in this world. If we allow God to illuminate our path, then we can never stumble, even when the many bumps we face seek to weaken our faith.

I've found that when I became a Christian, that my life changed for the better. There were times when I was caught up in the world, and my life just felt empty. I would worry every time when I was sick that I would die and go to hell, but all changed when I gave my life to God. My change did not happen over night, and trust me I am still learning about God's expectation, but I have learnt that I have to let go of the past.  

When bad things happen to us we have to us let go, we have to enjoy this moment we have now. Treasure the ones close to you, show compassion when hated, teach things that uplift and bury those things that breed sorrow. And in everything you do carry the banner of God, so that people around you will see you glow..