It's good to be writing again. Even with my busy schedule I miss my passion, which is writing. There are so many things I want to share in the coming months. My fingers itch to type and reveal my thoughts. I have been troubled by so many happenings going on in this world. It's seems everyday is a new challenge that we must face. The world is a hard place, but the comfort of good friends makes it easier to get through.

Let us learn to love someone today, start with our enemies, leave our friends for last. God has called us to be better than the world, so let's rise above our egos and endeavor to be examples for those we often criticize.If we are children of God, let us not just speak nice words, but let our actions behind closed doors show that we are of God. Remember we do not have to give an account to man, we have to give an account to God. This is a lesson I have to remind myself about daily, if I die now, I too must give an account of all I have done.

Each day is a chance to be better in the sight of God, let us grasp the moment we have been given.

Today is that day when we all can grasp that moment. I look forward to being an example to others through my words and will constantly be working on living by those words.

Until my next thoughts, may God bless you all who take the time to follow my posts....