Therefore, brethren, be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and choosing you; for as long as you practice these things, you will never stumble; 2 Peter 1:10

The silly season, otherwise called election time is in the air again. In Jamaica it is a time when people get very excited and their true colors emerge, metaphorically speaking. People are loyal to one political party or the other, even the undecided must make a decision. Some party loyalist make it a point to state that from birth they have been with one party and that they have pledged an eternal allegiance to that party. At their political meetings there is no fear in wearing their party colors.

It's a pity that the energy that is spent in campaigning for man is not the same for God. You never hear the type of campaigning for political elections as with a desire to campaign for Christ. The debates are far and few as it relates to righteousness. Not many people are willing to lift the banner for Christ.

Even as many prepare to celebrate Christmas they have lost sight of God. Mankind in his earthly wisdom has sought to give Christ a birthdate even when one was never given in the bible. For centuries the Roman Catholics campaigned, just as these die hard loyalist have, to make a day of celebration for Jesus Christ birth. In the end, they selected December 25 from a pagan holiday in celebration on an earthly god. An so the world began the celebration of Christmas, disregarding the bible, that we should reject idolatry.

Such as with political elections, false promises are made, so it is in the world. When you choose to follow man, the only result is disaster. At the end of his silly season God will decide who runs the government. Man with all his zeal for power still cannot decide anything in this life. He dares not proclaim the future for his he cannot control. God rules over every season.