Nowadays we watch movies that we seem to believe reflect our relationships with one another. It is quite surprising that the one of the most important things is so lacking. People surround themselves with money and think that happiness will be born, only to wake up one morning to loneliness and sorrow. Some think that indulging in lewd behavior will satisfy them, but the high is only temporary, never lasting longer than he moment. Relationships have been seriously eroded throughout the years, by the selfish deeds on mankind.
Even in the world of Christianity, relationships are strained, as people only focus on their immediate needs. No consideration is often given for others, it doesn't matter if feelings are hurt, as long as I am okay. When we read John 15:13, which says, "greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends", we come to realise what a true relationship with someone is. Are we willing to lay down our lifes for our friends? Not just for our spouses or siblings, but for anyone that we honestly care about, even those we don't care about.

A couple years ago when I was in the world, going to night clubs and pretending to be someone that I wasn't. I took my cousins out one night to party. These were my female cousins who I would consider as my friends, even my sisters. It so happens that a fight broke out between two guys and one pulled a gun. Without even thinking I remember jumping in front of my cousins, willing to take a bullet for them. It sounds crazy, but I valued their lives more than mine, I was their protector, I felt as I though I was responsible for them.

This act made me realise that this is truly what a relationship with someone is. As a Christian understand this concept better. This is how I feel about people in my life. It drives me to respect them even more than I do. Jesus Christ teaches us everything about relationships with one another. He washed the feet of his disciples many a time, when they felt that they should be washing his feet. After all he was the Son of God. This was one of  his acts of love to them, not putting himself above them, even though he was, but humbling himself to teach them a valuable lesson. His sacrifice for all of us teaches us that we don't live for ourselves, but we live to sacrifice ourselves for others.

A relationship can never be built on false promises or sweet words, but must be built on the foundation that Christ made for all of us. When we fail to realise the gravity of his love, we fail to see how we should love one another. It is not an easy task to love someone when they hurt you, but that is what God demands of us. That we not only love ourselves, but that we must love our neighbor as we love ourselves [Mark 12:31].

Relationships are not built on the things of the world. When we come to realize this, then we will live better with each other, and we won't be so caught up in ourselves.