Be strong and let your heart take courage, All you who hope in the LORD. Psalm 31:24

Have you ever been in the eye of a storm? Have you ever been torn in two by sorrow? I believe we all go through things in this life which cause our hearts to tremble with fear. In going through these trials we often stumble and fall, wondering why?

When fear comes over you it is as if your body and soul has been trapped in a web. You lose yourself in sorrow, forgetting how and when it all started. You didn't just happen into fear, it was born and nurtured, groomed and became fully grown. 

It is at your low point that fear swallows you and blinds your mind to the truth. When I was very sick many years ago, it was as it sadness came upon me in the night. I was lost, trapped and defeated by fear. Depression soon arrived, pulling my courage from within. It was in that time that I realized that God was my only hope. I had lost friends and felt alienated.

God rescued me from the storms that had formed. My life would never be the same again, I was a new man. As the years went by, I felt as though nothing could change my faith in God. I soon discovered that like Job, the devil was in the midst waiting to destroy my hope. You see the devil never wants the righteous to be happy, he longs to cause havoc in God's people.

But if we hope in the Lord we must rid ourselves of fear and take courage in his Word. Luke 12:5 tells me who I must fear, "But I will warn you whom to fear: fear the One who, after He has killed, has authority to cast into hell; yes, I tell you, fear Him". God is the one that we must fear, because if we don't follow him, then hell is going to be our next home. You see we spend our live's thinking about self, instead of thinking about the purpose that God has for us. God knows all our fears and he can plant a spirit of courage in us, but we must be willing to let go and let God.

Today I am praying that God will grant me the spirit of courage as I have realized that I have become a victim of fear.