"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:"
Ecc. 3:1

When bad things would happen to me or anyone in my family, my mother would always say, "time is the master". From the moment we become a living being we are on a timetable, we have a race with time. Ecc 3:2 tells us that there is a time to be born and a time to die.

You see we are not the master of time, we only exist in it. Time is controlled by God, he knows when our time will be over. He sets the hands of time in motion once our first breath enters our lungs.

In the time of writing this, the world says we are going into Day Light Saving Time, and our clocks will be set forward by an hour. However, this does not change time in any way or form. The fact is man cannot control time.

With the time that we have at hand, we should be thinking about the real master of time. We should be drawing closer to God in the time that we have. By his example, we should be using our time to love each other as he loves us. If we believe that we will have the time when we are dead, then we are in a trance.
We only have this limited time now to act, to ensure that our place is set with God on high.

You see no matter how we try to stop the hands of time, it keeps on moving. At times it seems as though the years go by quickly, but nothing has changed since creation. Even with the different earthquakes that scientist say have shifted time, the master time keeper is still in control.

When I look at my gray hairs I realize that my time is moving swiftly. Those younger years are far behind me now, and I have to make my place right with God. I have to rise from the depths of sin and lift my eyes to heaven. Time is not on my side anymore, even if I think I have many years, that is no comfort, as none of us know how long our time on this earth will be.

Let us all seize the time now, because now is the only time we have.