Well, well....its not official as yet, but it seems that golf may return to the Olympics. The last time golf was a part of the Olympics was 1904. If it is reinstated by the International Olympic Committe (IOC), which meets regarding the matter tomorrow in Berlin, then it would be re-introduced in 2016, as the IOC constitution requires a 7 year lead period. What is behind this though?

Personally I believe the impact of one named, Tiger Woods, has brought back the glory in golf. In fact, Tiger has indicated that he would be willing to play in the 2016 Olympics. This is similar to the impact of Usain Bolt in athletics, these guys have brought back the type of interest in the sports that is needed to fuel viewership, and viewership = money. Like Michael Jordan, you always need a face to sell a brand, and with Tiger, there is no bigger face to market your brand. He has already won 14 PGA championships, and may eventually erase the record of 18 championships, if he remains injury free. He is undoubtedly the greatest golf player of all time. If the bid for golf at the Olympics is marketed around Tiger, then the IOC would be silly not to re-introduce the sport. With so many other talented golfers worldwide, it would be a joy to see it at the Olympics, compared to some other boring sports, which I will not name at this time...

Whatever happens, golf has become very popular an needs to return to the Olympics.....