Treasure the morning,
it rose to greet you,
it could have stayed on the horizon,
but it brought living light into your life,

Treasure the evening,
the sun could have decided to stay in the sky,
instead the moon took its place,
glowing in the darkness,

Treasure your loved ones,
you may never see them tomorrow,
you may never hear their whispers anymore,
your kind words of love may never reach their soul,

Treasure God daily,
fall on your knees,
thank him for his love,
lift his name to the heavens,
celebrate the birth of his Son,

Treasure kind words,
it lifts a heavy soul,
it brings a smile in sorrow,
it buries stress,
and brings joy,

Treasure time,
it allows us to heal,
it gives us a chance to forgive those who have wronged us,
it brings wisdom,

Treasure small things,
they are often worth more than gold,
take time to enjoy them,
live life to be happy,

Treasure friendship,
embrace it,
study it,
become a student of it,
its a blessing from God,

Treasure now,
its all you have,
use it wisely...
