I have learnt long ago,
that you cannot trust man,
been bruised and battered by promises,
clinging like a drowned soul,
to a sinking hope,

I have learnt that God is the way,
in worship I surrender to him,
he never leaves or forsakes,
he carries my sorrows,
when they become a burden,

I have learnt that tears are useful,
but lessons are to be learnt,
and wisdom is to be gained from heartache,
in grief God has spoken to me,
telling me a story of relief,
he makes my heart heal each day,

I have learnt that love is the answer,
that lack of forgiveness makes a heart colder,
that with each word of blessing,
a smile grows stronger,
taking stress from within,

I have learnt that worrying changes nothing,
that darkness follows the weak,
and that within us lives a bright light molded by God,
waiting to explode into others,

I have learnt to be me,
to love God because God first loved me,
to show love to the needy,
and to give as God has prospered me,
to love myself,
so that I can show love to others,

I have learnt not to put my trust in man,
as man is imperfect,
tossed and turned by sin,
always seeking to please themselves,

I have learnt to pray more,
to surrender to God in worship daily,
each day is a blessings,
each moment brings such joy,
in God my happiness is renewed,
I am being restored by the hour,
thank you God for your lessons....
