Tears streaming,
pain trapped inside,
love sick mind drenched,
trying my best,
consumed by the beast,
words lost in the sunset,
crimson eyes peering,
when did all this start,
years swallowed in misery,
days drag on like dead weight,
trying my best,
heart barely thumbing,
life meaningless,
eyes staring above,
courage dampened in mud stricken lakes,
brain peering into the window of unconsciousness,
trying my best,
when all seems lost,
torn by blood thirsty images of regret,
wondering if the light in view is real,
or if darkness will burrow through the sunrise,
trying my best,
when silence burst the eardrums,
highlighting sensations of doubt,
is reality still worthy?
has God taken his wrath upon me?
trying my best,
staring in a mirror of vanity,
valuing the valueless,
chasing sorrows,
hoping that tomorrow will bring ease,
trying my best,
battling emotions...
