Lara Stone in blackface
Lara Stone

Oh no they didn't. Instead of hiring a black woman to be on the cover of French Vogue, they painted model Lara  Stone, in what they call blackface. While we know the French are notoriously racist, this just adds insult to injury. The cover has created a severe backlash for the editor Carine Roitfeld. Their claim is that blackface represents sexuality.

This is just totally absurd. Recently I wrote an article where Naomi Campbell was criticising the use of only white models on the covers of these magazines. It seems that they took offense to Naomi's complaining and tried to hit back with this racist facade

There was recently an incident in Australia, where the "Jackson Five" was played by white men dressed in blackface. In that situation they portrayed black people as buffoons. The term blackface is associated with buffoonery and racism (because black people could not perform in the same places as white people).

It just shows you that the more things change the more they remain the same. When will the insults cease against black people and other people they call minorities. At this stage in history, this nonsense should be getting better, but everyday someone highlights the ignorance of these people.

It should be noted that not all white people are racist. If you look at the recent presidential victory of Obama for instance, it was mainly the majority which is white that voted for him. There is just a minority of racists who continue to fuel hate towards others. As we say in Jamaica, "God nah sleep..."