"And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3

Since the birth of my son, the Word of God has been reinforced in my mind. It is very interesting to sit and watch a child in action. They fall many times and cry, and yet they pick themselves back up. They are punished for doing something wrong, yet they never hold a malice. They are not caught up in the things of this life, but smile with each day.

We as adults we worry so much about tomorrow. We make grant plans for the future, thinking that we will have the gift of life. Our minds are corrupted and our thoughts are constantly trapped in our desires. In all things I speak for myself first, and this is often how I feel. My thoughts are often like a cesspool, stagnant and reeking in disgust.

God commands us all to be like little children, if we do not attain that level we will never see heaven. These are a few questions I ask myself daily:
1) Is my heart truly pure?
2) Do I fill my heart with pure thoughts?
3) Am I am complainer?
4) How often do I give thanks for the little that I have?
5) Am I constantly being negative about things?
6) How often does a positive thought come from my lips?

There are so many more thoughts that I wrestle with daily. You see a child's heart is pure and not yet corrupted by those around them. As adults if we are ever to break the cycle of unrighteousness and impure thoughts, we have to lead by example. I am learning daily with my son, that I must be a new person and truly delve into God's Word for guidance, praying constantly for wisdom. For me to ever come close to God totally, I must be like a child. This may sound weird to some, but just sit for a day and examine yourself. Clear your thoughts and really examine each moment of your life, and truly see where you are going wrong with God. Pray about it some more and truly accept what comes, do not pretend.

This journey will be a great challenge, but we can all do it. We were able to give up the world when we decided to follow God. But truly have we really done that? I know that for me it is a daily journey and one that I must win. My goal is not to satisfy the world, but to please God every moment I have life.

Let us all surrender ourselves to being like little children, this world is not our home.